War Work

During the Second World War, the Risborough Factory was requisitioned by The Ministry of Aircraft Production. Mendy Street and the Sawmill undertook Government contracts under the Managing Director, Mr Percy Goodearl. According to surviving correspondence, his Petrol Ration was to enable him to make a daily trip between the two sites and also to inspect timber.

His 27 hp Humber was laid up soon after the start of the war, and a Morris 8 used instead. In the many letters requesting an increase in the ration, for the Sawmill's cross-cut saws as well as the car, mention is made of Contracts for rifle butts in 1941, snow shoes in 1943 and 52,000 tent pegs in 1944.

In October 1945, reoccupation of the Risborough Factory was being anticipated, and an increased fuel ration being sought for the Humber.

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