Across the former timber storage yard towards the sawmill.

Cabinet assembly shop beyond the timber storage yard.The overhead crane gantry used to
extend to the road.

Transfer track outside the kilns, left and dry timber store on the right.

The kilns.

The truncated gantry and the cabinet assembly shops.

The canopy over the bandmill.

Overhead cranes.

Foundations of the bandmill.

The dry timber store.

Transfer track between the kilns and the dry timber store.

Dust extraction plant in the machine shop.

Bed rails and the dust extraction switchgear.

The machine shop, from by the office.

Polishing shop.

Polishing booth,

The former press shop.

Roadway to the lower factory.

Chipboard store and sawdust silo by the boiler house.

Sanding dust extraction plant.

Sawdust Silo.

The former steam bending shop.

The main passage through the site.

Picts Lane frontage.

The machine shop in the Green Shed.

The bedroom cabinet assembly shop.

During demolition April 2004
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